Saturday 7 June 2014

Another Mr Lizard

Been a while since we had a minis painting post, hasn't it? Believe it or not I actually had some stuff well in progress shortly before everything.... went wrong in the brain department. And I've managed to get a bit done here and there. Painting is a hobby I enjoy after all. Although I'm not exactly brilliant at it, it does give me a good, constructive way to try and relax. So whilst I've somehow spent most of the day on basing and prep work for what I guess is phases 3 & 4 or of my current Dino-Might workload, I did at least manage to finish up the last touches on these new piece.

First up Baryonyx. I suppose there are two major things I really like about this Dinosaur. Firstly, of course, he's a Spinosaurid. And all Spinosaurids are inherently awesome. Being large, scary, and not particularly well understood, particularly in the brain department. No idea why I might identify with those features. Secondly of course is the fact that when I was playing Fossil Fighters on the DS I had one heading up the team I utterly obliterated the final boss with. I suppose the colour scheme I chose here is something of a tribute to that.

Next up we have Ankylosaurus. Oddly one of the reasons I decided to try painting this guy was that I wanted to paint something red. Now, as I've probably mentioned before, when painting dinosaurs you can either go for a realistic sort of colour scheme, or something a little more "interesting". And red is a colour that would usually fall more into that "interesting" category. Looks cool, but not necessarily all that likely. Only I wanted to do something both in the realistic school AND red. Often in nature where you do get red colours on an animal or plant it's as a warning signal of some kind. But what kind of dinosaur might have such coloration? You're average predator neither wants nor needs such signals. And your average prey animal would more likely be tending towards the camouflage end of things. Unless of course they had some rather specialized defenses in place. Enter the Ankylosaurs. Not generally the sort of animal you'd want to mess with, even if you were a top predator. The red in this guys case is to make him a walking advertisement for blunt force trauma and a slow painful death.

Looks pretty good I reckon.

Quetzelcoatlus. Possibly the largest flying animal of all time, and certainly one of the hardest to spell. Also not actually a dinosaur, but that's not the sort of technicality I'm willing to start a new tag for.

On a side note, is there a paleontology plug in for google spell checker? Because it is RUBBISH at dinosaur names.

Anyway a fun little piece and something a little different.

Speaking of different, here's a Parasaurolphus. As taken from the "Interesting" school of dinosaur colour schemes. But still rather striking. Tricky thing with doing something in purple is that it's a lot like red. You think you're doing a good strong, manly sort of colour. But soon you're carefully highlighting in pink. Still, I quite like how he came out, and the patterning does help to avoid the major problem with painting any Dinosaur purple.


So there we have it. Another 4 dinos for the collection. And a few more to go in the next phase. Although how long that will take to finish remains to be seen.

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